Friday, October 12, 2012

You feel alone....But you're not

Ever get those feelings when you're so alone, you think no one cares for you, and you feel you have nothing else? So lonely and just not feeling cared for, not wanting to be alive, feeling like you'd be more valuable dead than alive? Well, trust me, you're not alone.

When you feel depressed, or even suicidal, you'll get that feeling of helplessness inside of you, like you are going to die, because you think no one knows what you're going through. While it may feel true in your worst times, it's not. There are people there to help you and talk to you.

Recently, a few months ago, I was on the edge, crying my eyes out because I was so lonely. I felt like no one was there and felt like I couldn't wait until morning for people to talk again, I felt....Alone. Little did I know that I have people who love mw. They helped me get better to a certain extent. Whenever I feel bad, I look at their messages and think about how they would miss me if I died.

There are times when you can feel so alone, like you can't talk to anyone, and no one's active (online), awake, or you'll feel like you'll bother someone if you tell them you're alone. Don't hesitate to tell people. There are people who you'd be surprised that would offer to help. Sometimes, you'll say "No one cares for me", or "They don't care for me". Even if it feels like that, you can find refuge at places that are meant to help.

I know it sounds weird, but I love you all who are suicidal, depressed, or just feeling down. I'm always here to talk and lend a hand. I've saved a few lives (Somehow can't save myself?) and know what you're going through. You are not alone. You are alive, and even though you feel you're at the end of your rope, there's always someone who cares, and is willing to help.

Some helpful sites if you're ever down, and

December (June)

Friday, October 5, 2012

Words can hurt

OK, I'm going to admit I've had a pretty stupid week, and it doesn't help at all about the suicidal thoughts. "A tongue has no bones, but it can break a heart" - Exactly what has happened this week. I'm wondering tonight how many people have gotten called names. And how many people who have called others names. There are soooooooooooo many mean people in the world, and this week, it's been a racist world. How many of you guys are from a different country, and have gotten badmouthed for coming from a different country? It's not pleasant, that's for sure, and I don't think it's easy to get over it. One of my favorite quotes/poems:

Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words can also hurt me.
Stones and sticks break only skin,
While words are ghosts that haunt me.

Slant and curved the word-swords
Fall to pierce and stick inside me.
Bats and bricks may ache through bones
But words can mortify me.

Pain from words has left its scar
On mind and heart that’s tender
Cuts and bruises now have healed
It’s words that I remember.

If anyone's said bad things to another person, please know that it makes nothing better for anyone. Know that you can't take back what you said, and, it could mean the difference between life, and a fatal accident. It also means you're hurting inside, and while being mean feels like a fix for your problems, it will make others feel bad and won't fix anything. Think before you speak.

Life's been pretty much depressing, and I'm pretty sure it'll get better, but until then, I'm just going to have to wait it out. I hope you all can, too. Best of luck,

December (June)

Monday, October 1, 2012

Overcome: Pilot

Hi all. I don't know really where to start...I guess I'll tell a bit about how I'm wanting this blog to be about. From the title name, it'll be about, overcoming life, in ways of suicide, depression, and just in general. I'll talk about things that have happened in my life, and, how to fix them. I'm hoping this will be a support for all of the people who have had bad thoughts and stuff. Although, I can't totally believe it yet, life will get better. Even of it's not there yet, it'll get better.

I've gotten inspiration to start this from many life changing events, good and bad. I'm wanting to say that I'm struggling every day with thoughts, and evilness, it's all around us, and it can't be stopped. However, we can overcome it. How? I can honestly say, I don't know. But, we will.

For this first blog post, I'm wanting to open up and tell you guys a bit about my life, and how it's bad. It's gotten betrayed, lied to, beaten up, and other horrible things. I've tried suicide 13 times. However, something throughout all of those times has kept me alive. I'm determined to find out what. I'm here for a reason. There's something in me, deep down, saying "I don't wanna die". Someone smart once told me that. I didn't believe it, but when I thought about it more, I can. I'm trying to heal, although, it's super hard. I have support from tons of friends, and will continue to overcome the hardships.

Plenty of my friends have had problems too. Suicidal, depression, self-harm, financial, emotional, physical, sexual, unspoken things, and know the road I'm on. I'm wanting to dedicate this blog to them, in hopes that they might someday read it, and know that I'm not creating this for me, but for them. I'm doing it for the people who think I should stay alive. They're the best people I could be around, and I couldn't ask for better friends.

With that, I'll conclude this pilot. Until later posts,

~ December (June)